Unlisted and private channels are here! Creators can now share with select groups and audiences.
We’ve got exciting news to help power up your growth with video. Invite-only content and events have been a hit, so we’ve gone a step further. Game changer! You can now build a channel just for your community, network or team. Below, we've broken it down for you.
Invite-only events & content.
This offering stays the same. Do live streams, interactive sessions and video on demand, and if you’ve already got an invite list, we make it super simple to restrict access or send invite-only links. Got a Zoom recording just for those who attended? No prob!
Public, unlisted, and PRIVATE channels!
New! We were surprised to see creators using Vidzing in ways we hadn’t dreamed of, so we asked them what would make things even better. Our number one request? Private or invite-only channels to share stuff within just their organisation, staff, group or community. Consider it done!
This is how it works.
Who it’s great for:
You name it, you can share it the way you want, with who you want.
Reach out if you’d like to learn more or get started!
Team Vidzing